QuietCool Promotions & Rebates
QuietCool Promotions & Rebates
Current manufacturer and installer specials will be applied to your estimate.
Utility Provider Rebate Programs
(Click on your utility provider)
Anaheim Public Utilities
$100 rebate. “Permanently mounted in attic central air conditioning existing”
L.A. Department of Water & Power (LADWP) > Heating & Cooling
$200 rebate per unit. Whole House Fan: “Permit(s) are required. Must be permanently installed (connected to the framing) and must move at least 1,000 cubic feet of air per minute. Consult manufacturer’s specifications to determine the proper size fan prior to to purchase.” FAQs.
San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)
Riverside Public Utilities
Southern California Edison (SCE)
Up to $125 per unit. “Whole house cooling using a Whole House Fan can substitute for an air conditioner most of the year. If you purchase and install a Whole House Fan, you can receive a rebate of $125. Download Whole House Fan Information to learn more about rebate requirements.”
Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E)